ml> interesting theory... can you go back thru the commits and see when
ml> it was introduced and then query as to why? if there are tossers
ml> thinking such, it would be good to know which ones and if they have
ml> been repaired yet ;)
AG> I can do it as much as you or anyone else can. ;)
sorry, i have never done anything with any type of source control system... not
until about a week or two ago and i'm still not using it though i have tried :?
AG> As you can see, it's in there at least since 2001 -- if I'm not
AG> totally mistaken.
what i see is that the initial revision and evidently a "cross pull" or update
from CVS was done Jan 10, 2001... other than that, the code means nothing to
me... i don't do C or C++ unless extremely hardpressed to dig into it :?
in either case, there's not enough information... at least nothing indicating
who made the change other than "gul" whoever that is... and nothing, as in a
comment, indicating where the change is or why it was made :?