mark lewis
2014-02-12 16:01:23 UTC
can we get the following revised and split into two parts? the question is
about making a file request but the majority of the response is about
responding to a file request... it really should be split into two separate
BT> -------------------------------------------------------------------
BT> 16. Can One Make a File Request From BinkD?
BT> It's a piece of cake! BinkD supports WAZOO FREQ with an
BT> external helper.
BT> To request files from a remote system it is necessary to create
BT> a file of type nnnnmmmm.REQ and to put it in the outbound directory
BT> near *.?ut and *.?lo files. But *.REQ files do not initiate BinkD
BT> to call a link so to make a FREQ it is necessary to make a poll.
what is the format of a REQ file's contents?? there should be an example or a
pointer to a document describing REQ files.
then the below needs a new section number and title... renumbering the rest of
the document... this will keep the two FREQ related questions together ;)
17 How can my Binkd Respond to a File Request?
BT> One can configure BinkD for calling an external file request
BT> processor supporting SRIF (FSC-0086) for receiving and handling
BT> FREQs in BinkD. Please read the "!SRIF.TXT" file and the comment to
BT> 'exec' in the configuration file.
BT> Here are the examples of lines in configuration file for
BT> DOS-based OS and for *nix (you should use regular expressions in
BT> the latter case for BinkD to match both upper-case and lower-case
BT> letters, e.g. both *.REQ and *.req):
BT> exec "\\ftn\\allfix\\allfix.exe RP -SRIF *S" *.req
BT> exec "/ftn/bin/tmafreq-srif *S" *.[rR][eE][qQ]
BT> A bash script "srifreq" is delivered with BinkD starting with
BT> version 1.1a19.
BT> The following file request processors are also compatible with
BT> BinkD (but they are not the only ones, any other one supporting
BT> SRIF will do):
BT> Allfix by Harms Software Engineering: it is a fileecho
BT> processor with built-in file request processor and it has versions
BT> for DOS and OS/2;
BT> ViReq by Michael Haase (2:2432/280): a specialized FREQ
BT> processor for Windows, it is distributed by Michael Massenberg
BT> (2:2411/505) via modem, ISDN and Fido-over-IP.
BT> tmafreq by Maxim Timofeyev <***>: the FREQ
BT> processor is created for a unix-like OS and ported into Windows.
BT> One may obtain tmafreq from different BBS and FTP with fileecho
BT> archives, or may get tmafreq sources from anonymous CVS
BT> :pserver:***, module "tmafreq".
BT> VIREQ/x by Volker Imre <***> (2:246/2098):
BT> the FREQ processor is created for a unix-like OS but can be
BT> compiled in the OS/2, Windows and maybe other operating systems.
BT> Now it is included into "ftnapps" project on Sourceforge and may
BT> be downloaded from
BT> -------------------------------------------------------------------
thanks! :)
about making a file request but the majority of the response is about
responding to a file request... it really should be split into two separate
BT> -------------------------------------------------------------------
BT> 16. Can One Make a File Request From BinkD?
BT> It's a piece of cake! BinkD supports WAZOO FREQ with an
BT> external helper.
BT> To request files from a remote system it is necessary to create
BT> a file of type nnnnmmmm.REQ and to put it in the outbound directory
BT> near *.?ut and *.?lo files. But *.REQ files do not initiate BinkD
BT> to call a link so to make a FREQ it is necessary to make a poll.
what is the format of a REQ file's contents?? there should be an example or a
pointer to a document describing REQ files.
then the below needs a new section number and title... renumbering the rest of
the document... this will keep the two FREQ related questions together ;)
17 How can my Binkd Respond to a File Request?
BT> One can configure BinkD for calling an external file request
BT> processor supporting SRIF (FSC-0086) for receiving and handling
BT> FREQs in BinkD. Please read the "!SRIF.TXT" file and the comment to
BT> 'exec' in the configuration file.
BT> Here are the examples of lines in configuration file for
BT> DOS-based OS and for *nix (you should use regular expressions in
BT> the latter case for BinkD to match both upper-case and lower-case
BT> letters, e.g. both *.REQ and *.req):
BT> exec "\\ftn\\allfix\\allfix.exe RP -SRIF *S" *.req
BT> exec "/ftn/bin/tmafreq-srif *S" *.[rR][eE][qQ]
BT> A bash script "srifreq" is delivered with BinkD starting with
BT> version 1.1a19.
BT> The following file request processors are also compatible with
BT> BinkD (but they are not the only ones, any other one supporting
BT> SRIF will do):
BT> Allfix by Harms Software Engineering: it is a fileecho
BT> processor with built-in file request processor and it has versions
BT> for DOS and OS/2;
BT> ViReq by Michael Haase (2:2432/280): a specialized FREQ
BT> processor for Windows, it is distributed by Michael Massenberg
BT> (2:2411/505) via modem, ISDN and Fido-over-IP.
BT> tmafreq by Maxim Timofeyev <***>: the FREQ
BT> processor is created for a unix-like OS and ported into Windows.
BT> One may obtain tmafreq from different BBS and FTP with fileecho
BT> archives, or may get tmafreq sources from anonymous CVS
BT> :pserver:***, module "tmafreq".
BT> VIREQ/x by Volker Imre <***> (2:246/2098):
BT> the FREQ processor is created for a unix-like OS but can be
BT> compiled in the OS/2, Windows and maybe other operating systems.
BT> Now it is included into "ftnapps" project on Sourceforge and may
BT> be downloaded from
BT> -------------------------------------------------------------------
thanks! :)