(too old to reply)
Scott Little
2014-06-16 13:20:26 UTC
Hi All,

How does one use the bindaddr and/or listen options? I tried and it still
insists on "servmgr listen on *:24554".

I've tried the Max's binaries in: binkd1.1a49-msvc10x32-ipv6-4gb.zip and

For the time being I want to use binkd only for IPv6. If this can't be done by
specifying the exact IPv6 addresses to listen on, is there an IPv6-only mode?

The alternative is to put binkd on a separate port, but I'd rather not.
Paul Hayton
2014-06-16 16:32:00 UTC
On 06-16-14, Scott Little pondered and said...

SL> Hi All,
SL> How does one use the bindaddr and/or listen options? I tried and it
SL> still insists on "servmgr listen on *:24554".

Hi Scott,

My binkD config file offers the following...

# TCP settings.
# Here you can set the TCP port that binkd can listen on for incoming
connections or transmit on when it makes an
# outbound connection. Ordinarily if you run a standard setup, you do not
even have to set these values at all or
# you can expose the keywords and leave them as shown, but commented out,
binkd will use the default port numbers
# to send and receive on. The default port binkd uses is 24554. If you are
running behind a firewall be sure to expose
# this port for incoming connections if you are setting up for inbound
connections. Further more, if you are behind a router
# be sure to port forward this port number to the machine on your LAN running
binkd. Even if you need to change these values,
# normally only the iport one needs to be changed.
# Format: iport port_number
# iport = Keyword
# port_number = The TCP port you wish to use instead, default is 24554 but
could be anything you like, this only really needs
# to be used if the default port is already in use.
# ***Edit this optionally, uncomment iport and see above example.
# iport binkp
# port_number 24554
# ***Edit this optionally, you dont really need to change this value.
Uncomment and see example for iport.
# oport binkp 24554

Hope that helps.

Best, Paul

|15`|03I am not expendable, I'm not stupid, and I'm not going.|15'
- |09Kerr Avon | Blake's 7 | blakes7.com | 1978 - 1981
Tommi Koivula
2014-06-16 14:17:13 UTC
On 16.6.2014 10:20, Scott Little -> All wrote:

SL> How does one use the bindaddr and/or listen options? I tried and it
SL> still insists on "servmgr listen on *:24554".

I just tried:

listen [2002:5b9b:69cc:1:201:2ff:fef9:af92]

and it works as expected. At least with my cygwin compilation of -49.

Scott Little
2014-06-17 07:18:48 UTC
[ On 2014-06-16 at 18:17:12, Tommi Koivula wrote to Scott Little ]

TK> listen [2002:5b9b:69cc:1:201:2ff:fef9:af92]

That's the one, thanks. I should have known that syntax ;)
Scott Little
2014-07-27 00:35:50 UTC
[ On 2014-06-16 at 18:17:12, Tommi Koivula wrote to Scott Little ]

SL>> How does one use the bindaddr and/or listen options? I tried and
SL>> it still insists on "servmgr listen on *:24554".
TK> I just tried:
TK> listen [2002:5b9b:69cc:1:201:2ff:fef9:af92]
TK> and it works as expected. At least with my cygwin compilation of -49.

OK, next stupid question: how do I get it to ignore all other addresses?

I specified listen for only my IPv6 addresses, and on startup it says "servmgr
listen on [ipv6]" but it's answering IPv4 traffic as well.

Additionally, is there no plan to support Argus' authentication scheme?

? 27 Jul 04:22:50 [30708] unexpected password digest from the remote
James Coyle
2014-07-26 15:31:00 UTC
SL> Additionally, is there no plan to support Argus' authentication scheme?
SL> ? 27 Jul 04:22:50 [30708] unexpected password digest from the remote

I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but when I was doing Mystic's
internal BINKP I found that Argus doesn't send the password digest correctly
for CRAM-MD5. I had to add specific code to make it work with Argus.