Hi Carlos.
07 Oct 23 09:29, you wrote to All:
CN> I'm creating .req files manually to do file requests.
GoldED can do freq's. Write netmail and press Alt-f.
CN> Area there other ways to do it? Any tool or script?
In my OS/2 system I have a REXX script called flowfile.cmd. I think it is
originally from binkleyterm.
=== Cut ===
/* Generate/Modify FlowFile (or REQ files) - written by Th. Waldmann */
/* 4D address support added by Michael Reinsch */
/* NO domain support! */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* FlowFile 2:2474/400 F -> create/update 09aa0190.flo */
/* FlowFile 2:2474/400 C -> create/update 09aa0190.clo */
/* FlowFile 2:2474/400.2 H -> create/update 09aa0190.pnt\00000002.hlo */
/* FlowFile 1:1/2 C -> create/update 00010002.clo (in Z1 outbound)*/
/* FlowFile 2:2/1 H file.txt -> add entry "file.txt" to 00020001.hlo */
/* FlowFile 2:2/1 R file.txt -> add entry "file.txt" to 00020001.req */
/* */
/* If you invoke FlowFile.Cmd from another CMD file, you have to use: */
/* Call FlowFile ... */
/* changes the values of the variables below according to your needs !!! */
defaultzone = 2 /* your default outbound's zone number */
defaultoutbound = "d:\xenia\outbound" /* your default outbound
rescanflag = "d:\semapho\btrescan.flg" /* global rescan flag */
/* end of values to change */
/* begin of program */
arg addr flavour line
call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs'
call SysLoadFuncs
addr = strip(addr)
flavour = strip(flavour)
line = strip(line)
call addflow addr, flavour, line
call touchflag rescanflag
/* calculate binkley style outbound file name */
binkoutname: Procedure Expose defaultzone defaultoutbound
parse arg addr, extension
parse value addr with zone":"net"/"node"."point
outbound = defaultoutbound
if zone <> defaultzone then
outbound = outbound"."d2x(zone,3)
if point <> ' ' & point > 0 then
outbound = outbound"\"d2x(net,4)||d2x(node,4)".pnt"
filename = outbound"\"d2x(point,8)"."extension
filename = outbound"\"d2x(net,4)||d2x(node,4)"."extension
return filename
/* test (and set if not already set) binkley outbound BSY flag */
testsetbusy: Procedure Expose defaultzone defaultoutbound
parse arg addr
tmpfile = SysTempFileName(binkoutname(addr, "???"))
call touchflag tmpfile
'@ren' tmpfile '*.BSY >NUL 2>NUL'
renrc = rc
if renrc<>0 then
call SysFileDelete tmpfile
return renrc
/* remove binkley outbound BSY flag */
delbusy: Procedure Expose defaultzone defaultoutbound
parse arg addr
busyfile = binkoutname(addr, "BSY")
call SysFileDelete busyfile
/* create / update a flowfile */
addflow: Procedure Expose defaultzone defaultoutbound
parse arg addr, flavour, line
if testsetbusy(addr)=0 then
if flavour='R' then
flowfile = binkoutname(addr, "REQ")
flowfile = binkoutname(addr, flavour"LO")
/* create flowfile if it does not exist already */
/* if it does exist, change nothing */
call stream flowfile, 'c', 'open write'
if line <> "" then
call lineout flowfile, line
call stream flowfile, 'c', 'close'
call delbusy addr
say 'System' addr 'is busy.'
/* "touch" a file (create if not existing, update time stamp if existing) */
/* Attention - this is not a real "touch" yet! */
/* It writes a single byte to the beginning of the file !!!
touchflag: Procedure
parse arg flag
call stream flag, 'c', 'open write'
call charout flag, " ", 1 /* is there a better method to "touch" ? */
call stream flag, 'c', 'close'
/* EOF */
=== Cut ===