BinkD IPV6 Linux
(too old to reply)
Benny Pedersen
2011-11-22 08:35:18 UTC
Hello Andre!
AG> What are you missing?
./configure --help | grep ipv6, turns nothing up :(
AG> Because IPv6 is no optional feature ...

in gentoo/funtoo it is

AG> in case your OS supports IPv6, it will be used.

in terms of just using glibc api yes, but in terms of eg dovecot/postfix/apache
there is more then just glibc api calls

AG> In case you don't like IPv6,

its not my point, i like ipv6 more then i can wait for binkd/qico to support it

AG> just set bindaddress and you shouldn't use IPv6 anymore.

very well, but i like this to be handled in glibc api call with makes sense to
do in c code

an good exaample on how is shown in bind (dns server tarball)

if i call it with -4 it does not use ipv6 servers, but it still can serve ipv6
dns querys

an more fun if i use -6 it only use ipv6 ns records, keep bad dns hosters out
of my spam box :=)

but force ipv6 ns to be on every valid good domain is silly, it just
consequense :=)

Regards Benny

... there can only be one way of life, and it works :)
Benny Pedersen
2011-11-22 08:44:08 UTC
Hello Wilfred!

18 Nov 2011 19:34, Wilfred van Velzen wrote to Andre Grueneberg:

WvV> And is there cvs voor those systems?

cvs is on aminet imho ?

Regards Benny

... there can only be one way of life, and it works :)
