BinkD FAQ [2/3]
(too old to reply)
Binkd Team
2013-11-06 21:15:02 UTC
31 Mar 16:48:43 [40423] connected to proxy.osu.ru:24554
31 Mar 16:48:44 [40423] Connection rejected by proxy (HTTP/1.0 403
? 31 Mar 16:48:44 [40423] unable to connect: {13} Permission denied

In such a case you may try to use http tunnelling for instance with the
help of httport (one can take it at http://www.htthost.com/) or you may
find a node receiving BinkP connections at port 443.


07. How Can BinkD Work via SOCKS-proxy?

It is not a rare case when users go out to the internet from their
corporate LAN exclusively via the proxy server based at the only computer
connected to the internet. Thus BinkD cannot make a direct connection to
the remote node and one must use the proxy server. Proxy servers support
was included in version 0.9.4 and the later ones.

BinkD works with a SOCKS proxy version 4 and 5. The first one does not
demand an authorization (no login and password), the second one demands it
as a rule.

Suppose the connected to the Internet computer has the IP address in its LAN and the SOCKS server at the computer responds on
port 1080. Here is the line in BinkD configuration file necessary for
working via the SOCKS proxy.

1. A SOCKS server without user authorization (no login and password are


2. A proxy server with user authorization (it is necessary to type login
and password, e.g. login "user", password "password"):



08. IP-Point: How Can I Make BinkD to Get My Mail From My Bossnode

Make a poll using the command line option -P:

binkd -P1:2/3 binkd.cfg

Usually they want BinkD to exit after the session is finished. One can
use the command line option -p:

binkd -p -P1:2/3 binkd.cfg

If BinkD does not exit for a long time after the session has been
finished then decrease the value of rescan-delay (and sometimes the value
of timeout).

If BinkD works permanently (e.g. as a Windows service) and you want to
get your mail regularly then you need some additional program or a script.
As an example in DOS, Windows or OS/2 it is enough to execute the command:

cd . >> %outbound%\NNNNMMMM.ilo

where NNNN is the hex net number,
MMMM is the hex node number,
%outbound% is the path to the necessary zone outbound.


09. "start_file_transfer: .: Permission denied" Error

You get the message when BinkD cannot open a file for sending indicated
in some *.?lo file. Most likely the file has a line containing only "."
because the poll has been made by a command of the type

echo . >> xxxxyyyy.flo

you should change it to "cd . >> xxxxyyyy.flo"


10. BinkD/win and Dial-up: Dialing-up and Disconnecting Automatically

The problem is to configure the fidonet box in such a way that BinkD
would initiate a telephone call to your Internet provider, get your mail
and disconnect.

The solutions:

1st Solution

Configure automatic connection and timeout in the dial-up connection
properties (idle time before hanging up). It is convinient to use a
non-standard software for dialing-up (Advanced Dialer and others). You
should start BinkD with a command line option -p periodically (and possibly
-Paddress for BinkD to make a poll to the address).

binkd -p -P1:2/3.4 binkd.cfg

2nd Solution

Use the command line option -p and the batch file where first Remote
Access Service (RAS) is started then BinkD is started and after BinkD exits
RAS is stopped.

Two variants, for Windows NT and for Windows 2000:
=== binkdpoll1.cmd
rasdial Connection
binkd -p binkd.cfg
rasdial Connection /disconnect

=== binkdpoll2.cmd
net start "remote access service"
net start "remote access auto service"
binkd -p binkd.cfg
net stop "remote access auto service"
net stop "remote access service"

3rd Solution (The Best One For Win9x)

Use the command line options -p and -Paddress and control connection
with a non-standard dial-up software (for example dialerp). This solution
is the most reliable one (especially if the modem connection to your
Internet provider is bad) due to the fact that dialerp can start some
indicated programs at setting the connection. Here is the batch file you
should start in the 'Execute' parameter of the dialerp configuration file:

binkd -p -P1:2/3.4 binkd.cfg
dialerp BREAK *

The question you may now ask: Where can I take dialerp? The answer is:
Ask the author (Alexander Vedjakin, 2:5020/540) or look for it in fileecho
archives and in ftp/http.

In any case you should set a small value for 'rescan-delay' parameter in
the BinkD configuration file. Binkd would exit faster.

=== binkd.cfg
# Outbound rescans period (sec)
rescan-delay 2


11. I Have Changed BinkD Configuration File On-The-Fly. When Will It Be

Starting with the version 0.9.1 BinkD could feel that its configuration
file changed. It exited with code 3 if it had been started with option -C.
Modification time was checked after each ingoing session. Here is the batch
file for starting BinkD versions 0.9.1-0.9.3 and 0.9.4-0.9.6/w32:

binkd -C binkd.cfg
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 goto aaa

In the versions 0.9.4/unix and /os2-emx (and in these ones only) BinkD
restarts automatically if it is started with -C command line option.
Besides that starting with version 0.9.4 the files included into the
configuration file with the help of 'include' keyword are tested not only
on incoming sessions but also in every 'rescan-delay' seconds.

If you install BinkD 0.9.4/w32 as a Windows NT service you should use it
with -C command line option. Then BinkD re-reads its configuration file.

Before version 0.9.4 changes in the configuration file were not tested if
BinkD was started in client-only mode (-c command line option).

In the unix versions configuration file is re-read on SIGHUP signal
by the command
kill -HUP `cat /var/run/binkd.pid`

In the version 1.0 configuration file is re-read automatically if
changed. Binkd tests on changes at every 'rescan-delay' seconds.


12. How Can BinkD Work With T-mail/IP?

There is no way to do it. The protocols differ in essence: BinkD uses
BinkP protocol whereas T-mail/IP uses EMSI etc.


13. Is There At Least One Log Analyzer Under Unix?

There exist many Perl scripts and several win32 binaries. For example here:

binkdstat 0.1 beta4 Christmas version 6.01.2002
Statistics generator for BinkD
(c) Dmitry Sergienko, 2:464/***@fidonet, ***@trifle.net 14.08.2000

You can find several different generators at Nick Soveiko's site:

There also exists BndStat program:
BNDST101.ZIP 34812 14-Aug-01 (AREA:AFTNMISC)
BndStat 1.01. With sources. BinkD statistics generator. Compiled for all
platforms. Included win32 binaries. (C) Dmitry Rusov, 2:5090/94

A set of statistics generators for BinkD and qico under *nix (c) Vasily
Krysin, 2:5054/84: http://deep.perm.ru/files/fido/fustat-0.02.tar.gz

Log analyzer by val khokhlov (perl):

binkdstat (c) val khokhlov, Dmitry Kolvakh, updated at April 2006


14. BinkD Connects Too Slowly (~20 Seconds) Though I Have a High-Speed

It is possible that 'backresolv' parameter is on (for logging the remote
host domain name) and DNS is not configured.

The simplest solution is to comment the 'backresolv' out in the
configuration file. Configuring DNS is a more complex solution.


15. Why Does BinkD Not Understand Command Line Options When I Start It
From inetd?

You should use the program name as the first parameter in inetd.conf (it
may be any string for BinkD), the second and the following parameters
are the command line options (-iqs etc.) and the last parameter is the
configuration file full path:

binkp stream tcp nowait root /usr/fido/binkd binkd -isq /usr/fido/binkd.cfg

If you do not use -q option then you should switch console output off
(comment 'printq', 'percents', 'conlog' out).


16. Can One Make a File Request From BinkD?

It's a piece of cake! BinkD supports WAZOO FREQ with an external helper.

To request files from a remote system it is necessary to create a file
of type nnnnmmmm.REQ and to put it in the outbound directory near *.?ut and
*.?lo files. But *.REQ files do not initiate BinkD to call a link so to
make a FREQ it is necessary to make a poll.

One can configure BinkD for calling an external file request processor
supporting SRIF (FSC-0086) for receiving and handling FREQs in BinkD. Please
read the "!SRIF.TXT" file and the comment to 'exec' in the configuration

Here are the examples of lines in configuration file for DOS-based OS
and for *nix (you should use regular expressions in the latter case for
BinkD to match both upper-case and lower-case letters, e.g. both *.REQ and

exec "\\ftn\\allfix\\allfix.exe RP -SRIF *S" *.req

exec "/ftn/bin/tmafreq-srif *S" *.[rR][eE][qQ]

A bash script "srifreq" is delivered with BinkD starting with version
The following file request processors are also compatible with BinkD
(but they are not the only ones, any other one supporting SRIF will do):

Allfix by Harms Software Engineering: it is a fileecho processor with
built-in file request processor and it has versions for DOS and OS/2;

ViReq by Michael Haase (2:2432/280): a specialized FREQ processor for
Windows, it is distributed by Michael Massenberg (2:2411/505) via modem,
ISDN and Fido-over-IP.

tmafreq by Maxim Timofeyev <***@mail.tma.spb.ru>: the FREQ processor
is created for a unix-like OS and ported into Windows. One may obtain tmafreq
from different BBS and FTP with fileecho archives, or may get tmafreq sources
from anonymous CVS :pserver:***@tma.spb.ru:/cvsroot, module "tmafreq".

VIREQ/x by Volker Imre <***@imre.dyndns.org> (2:246/2098): the FREQ
processor is created for a unix-like OS but can be compiled in the OS/2,
Windows and maybe other operating systems. Now it is included into "ftnapps"
project on Sourceforge and may be downloaded from


17. How Can I Add BinkD To a Fidonet Box Working With a Modem?

You must configure your modem mailer and tosser for BSO (binkley-style
outbound) mode so that all of them including BinkD would have the same
inbound directories (and also the same outbound directories). For example,
one may put the following line to T-Mail mailer configuration file:

BinkStyle_Pack_For All

If your mailer can work with AMA (arcmail-attach) only you may try to
use fileboxes and/or find programs that can convert your mailer's queue to
BSO or fileboxes. For example, Mail2dir utility allows using fileboxes with
FrontDoor. Such a means disables a possibility of sending your mail to the
same link both by IP and by modem (for instance, when one of the channels
failed). There is another more radical but more flexible way: you may change
your mailer.
See also question 34.


18. Flags Are Not Created On Receiving a File, Programs Do Not Start

For sure you have a wrong template in the configuration file. You have to
use it this way (the first two lines are for Windows and OS/2, the rest are
for the Unix-like OS):

flag m:\\ftn\\flg\\pntseg.flg m:\\\\ftn\\\\inbound\\\\sec\\\\pntstr*.*
flag m:\\ftn\\flg\\toss.flg *.su? *.mo? *.tu? *.we? *.th? *.fr? *.sa? *.pkt

exec "/usr/local/bin/ftrack -c /fido/conf/ftrack" *.[Pp][Kk][Tt]
flag "/ftn/flg/echo-in" /ftn/inboundsec/*.[Ss][Uu][0-9A-Za-z]
flag "/ftn/flg/echo-in" /ftn/inboundsec/*.[Mm][Oo][0-9A-Za-z]
flag "/ftn/flg/echo-in" /ftn/inboundsec/*.[Tt][Uu][0-9A-Za-z]
flag "/ftn/flg/echo-in" /ftn/inboundsec/*.[Ww][Ee][0-9A-Za-z]
flag "/ftn/flg/echo-in" /ftn/inboundsec/*.[Tt][Hh][0-9A-Za-z]
flag "/ftn/flg/echo-in" /ftn/inboundsec/*.[Ff][Rr][0-9A-Za-z]
flag "/ftn/flg/echo-in" /ftn/inboundsec/*.[Ss][Aa][0-9A-Za-z]
flag "/ftn/flg/fech-in" /ftn/inboundsec/*.[Tt][Ii][Cc]

You must use the full path with four slashes for the file to receive or
the template should start with an asterisk character. You must use two
slashes for the flag file.

You must use the full path because using a filename without path means
the event of receiving the file in the current directory and not in the
inbound directory. If a template begins with "*" then it means "any
directory" (and since all the files are received in one of the inbound
directories it works for both password protected and for unprotected

In a UNIX-like OS you should take into account that filenames are case
sensitive. Please use regular expressions in templates.


19. 'skipmask' Keyword Does Not Work

A filename is compared without path and the comparison is case
sensitive when 'skipmask' is used.


20. BinkD Under Windows 3.x

Sergey Zharsky (***@usa.net) ported BinkD 0.9.2 and BinkD 0.9.5 for
Windows 3.x. They work using IP stacks Trumpet Winsock ver. 3.0 revision D
and Novell TCP/IP Client for Win 3.11 (see the answer to the question
'BinkD Under DOS', the section "The DOS version has the feature...").

The sources and the binaries:

0.9.2 only:


21. Different FTN Domains in BinkD And a Tosser Without 5D Support

Suppose there are two domains (with different zone numbers though it
does not matter). Mail can be successfully sent to the first domain but
not to the second one. This situation may arise if the tosser, the tracker
and the other your FTN programs do not support 5D BSO.

This is a typical BinkD configuration for two FTN domains and 5D

domain fidonet c:\\ftn\\outbound\\fidonet 2
domain omeganet c:\\ftn\\outbound\\omeganet 11
address 2:5070/***@fidonet 11:58/***@omeganet

One must configure not the zone of your own address for 'domain'
keyword as one might think but the zone that should not be appended to the
outbound name (i.e. the outbound subdirectory extensions are not processed
for the zone denoted in the 'domain' line).

If your tosser would create bundles for omeganet in the omeganet
directory then you should write as indicated above. But since it does not
work with 5D and it creates the bundles in fidonet.00b then you should
write this way:

domain fidonet c:\\ftn\\outbound\\fidonet 2
domain omeganet c:\\ftn\\outbound\\fidonet 2
address 2:5070/***@fidonet 11:58/***@omeganet

It is obligatory to configure all your addresses with domains. The
outbound directory and the path should be the same everywhere (4D tosser
mark lewis
2013-11-07 05:07:29 UTC
On Thu, 07 Nov 2013, Binkd Team wrote to All:

can we get the following revised and split into two parts? the question is
about making a file request but the majority of the response is about
responding to a file request...

BT> -------------------------------------------------------------------

BT> 16. Can One Make a File Request From BinkD?

BT> It's a piece of cake! BinkD supports WAZOO FREQ with an
BT> external helper.

BT> To request files from a remote system it is necessary to create
BT> a file of type nnnnmmmm.REQ and to put it in the outbound directory
BT> near *.?ut and *.?lo files. But *.REQ files do not initiate BinkD
BT> to call a link so to make a FREQ it is necessary to make a poll.

what is the format of a REQ file's contents?? there should be an example or a
pointer to a document describing REG files.


then the below needs a new section number and title... renumbering the rest of
the document... this will keep the two FREQ related questions together ;)

17 How can my Binkd Respond to a File Request?

BT> One can configure BinkD for calling an external file request
BT> processor supporting SRIF (FSC-0086) for receiving and handling
BT> FREQs in BinkD. Please read the "!SRIF.TXT" file and the comment to
BT> 'exec' in the configuration file.

BT> Here are the examples of lines in configuration file for
BT> DOS-based OS and for *nix (you should use regular expressions in
BT> the latter case for BinkD to match both upper-case and lower-case
BT> letters, e.g. both *.REQ and *.req):

BT> exec "\\ftn\\allfix\\allfix.exe RP -SRIF *S" *.req

BT> exec "/ftn/bin/tmafreq-srif *S" *.[rR][eE][qQ]

BT> A bash script "srifreq" is delivered with BinkD starting with
BT> version 1.1a19.
BT> The following file request processors are also compatible with
BT> BinkD (but they are not the only ones, any other one supporting
BT> SRIF will do):

BT> Allfix by Harms Software Engineering: it is a fileecho
BT> processor with built-in file request processor and it has versions
BT> for DOS and OS/2;

BT> ViReq by Michael Haase (2:2432/280): a specialized FREQ
BT> processor for Windows, it is distributed by Michael Massenberg
BT> (2:2411/505) via modem, ISDN and Fido-over-IP.

BT> tmafreq by Maxim Timofeyev <***@mail.tma.spb.ru>: the FREQ
BT> processor is created for a unix-like OS and ported into Windows.
BT> One may obtain tmafreq from different BBS and FTP with fileecho
BT> archives, or may get tmafreq sources from anonymous CVS
BT> :pserver:***@tma.spb.ru:/cvsroot, module "tmafreq".

BT> VIREQ/x by Volker Imre <***@imre.dyndns.org> (2:246/2098):
BT> the FREQ processor is created for a unix-like OS but can be
BT> compiled in the OS/2, Windows and maybe other operating systems.
BT> Now it is included into "ftnapps" project on Sourceforge and may
BT> be downloaded from
BT> http://ftnapps.sourceforge.net/vireq.html.

BT> -------------------------------------------------------------------

thanks! :)

