(too old to reply)
Mike Powell
2010-01-15 15:33:00 UTC
I have opened the following on my firewall and pointed it to the correct

Protocol: TCP
Private Port: 24554
Public Port: 24554

Are there any other ports that need to be open for binkd to work?

I am starting to believe that it is a poorly documented hunk of junk that
only works for the lucky few, but want to give it one last shot before it
gets deinstalled (for good).

I thought this might be one area that might be set incorrectly.

Also, the part of the config file where you set up the nodes has a lot of
comments but gives very litle guidance as to what one should actually do.
I want to set up an incoming node with limited options... what do I need to
put in there? That is the only other thing I can think of that might be
set up wrong (that is not painfully non-obvious).

I have reduced it to:
node 1:2320/***@fidonet - <PASSWORD HERE>

and have also tried it with nothing as a password. I get no errors other
than RC = 11 and no explanation.


##MMR 2.61(beta).
Peter Knapper
2010-01-16 11:12:56 UTC
Hi Mike,

MP> I have opened the following on my firewall and pointed it to the correct
MP> machine:
MP> Protocol: TCP
MP> Private Port: 24554
MP> Public Port: 24554
MP> Are there any other ports that need to be open for binkd to work?

This is just a guess, however consider that a TCP/IP connection USUALLY has a
different SOURCE port to its DESTINATION port, therefore a fully BI-DIRECTIONAL
link often requires 2 ports to be open per connection.

I dont know your platform or Firewall but this MAY be the cause of your
problem. Frequently all OUTBOUND traffic is given an automatic right to
traverse a Firewall, but this may not be the case with your particular one.

I hope this helps...............pk.
Mvan Le
2010-01-15 15:28:24 UTC
MP> Private Port: 24554
MP> Public Port: 24554
MP> Are there any other ports that need to be open for binkd to work?

I don't think so.

You could try disabling your firewall altogether.

MP> I am starting to believe that it is a poorly documented hunk of junk that
MP> only works for the lucky few, but want to give it one last shot before it
MP> gets deinstalled (for good).

Yeah. Those Russians make stupid doco.

If you're using Synchronet, I thought Synchronet had its own mailer/tosser
stuff. Not sure why you'd want to use BinkD unless you wanted to be cool like
every non-Synchronet user.

MP> I thought this might be one area that might be set incorrectly.
MP> Also, the part of the config file where you set up the nodes has a lot of
MP> comments but gives very litle guidance as to what one should actually do.
MP> I want to set up an incoming node with limited
MP> options... what do I need to
MP> put in there? That is the only other thing I can think of that might be
MP> set up wrong (that is not painfully non-obvious).

You could just try getting somebody else's BinkD setup.

I don't think BinkD uses an installer, so all you'd need is a straight
directory copy and their config file. (I use BinknD 0.9.8 in Windows NT 4.0

Have you actually tried a basic BinkD connection ? ie. BinkD -> BinkD instead
of BinkD/IREX etc ? or a Full node -> Full node, instead of mucking around
playing with with Full node -> Point node ?
Maxim Sokolsky
2010-01-16 13:39:26 UTC
Привет, Mvan!

15 янв 10 18:28, Mvan Le -> Mike Powell в сообщении по ссылке

ML> I don't think so.

ML> You could try disabling your firewall altogether.

MP>> I am starting to believe that it is a poorly documented hunk of
MP>> junk that only works for the lucky few, but want to give it one
MP>> last shot before it gets deinstalled (for good).

ML> Yeah. Those Russians make stupid doco.

Shame on u! - would say those Russians who waste the time to translate it to
English. Yes, it is partly outdated and not well organized but u have an option
- create and support clever one by yourself on English. Together with code of
binkd, patches and etc.

С наилучшими пожеланиями, Maxim.

... Амарок не запущен или не играет
Maxim Sokolsky
2010-01-16 13:16:54 UTC
Hi, Mike!

15 янв 10 18:33, Mike Powell -> All в сообщении по ссылке

MP> Are there any other ports that need to be open for binkd to work?

MP> I am starting to believe that it is a poorly documented hunk of junk
MP> that only works for the lucky few, but want to give it one last shot

have u read this?

and this

This is FAQ version of April 10 2006. The last one on English.

this is Binkd User Guide - quite old

BTW, you may use cvs version - there was many bugs was fixed in this version.
For Windows you could grab last binary from fidoip project - it is inside of

С наилучшими пожеланиями, Maxim.

... Амарок не запущен или не играет
Stephen Walsh
2010-01-16 17:24:02 UTC
Hello Mike.

15 Jan 10 18:33, you wrote to all:

MP> I have reduced it to:
MP> node 1:2320/***@fidonet - <PASSWORD HERE>

I have a point setup with the following, and it works like a dream. Have also
dones some test's with calling other systems with binkd setup as my node, and
only changing the node information:

./binkd -vv
Binkd 1.0a-540 (Aug 25 2009 11:27:19/Linux)
Compilation flags: gcc.

# Binkd configuration file

domain fidonet /home/vk3heg/ftn/bout/ 3
domain scinet /home/vk3heg/ftn/bout/ 77
domain amiganet /home/vk3heg/ftn/bout/ 39

domain fido alias-for fidonet
domain fidonet.org alias-for fidonet

address 3:633/***@fidonet
address 77:3/***@scinet
address 39:901/***@amiganet

sysname "Pointing at the Dragon's Lair"
location "Ballarat, Australia"
sysop "Stephen Walsh"

nodeinfo 57600,TCP,BINKP
timeout 30
rescan-delay 10
try 3
hold 1
log binkd.log
loglevel 4
conlog 4

inbound /home/vk3heg/ftn/in/
inbound-nonsecure /home/vk3heg/ftn/in/

minfree 2048
minfree-nonsecure 2048

kill-old-bsy 43200

node 3:633/***@fidonet password c /home/vk3heg/ftn/fidonet
node 77:3/***@scinet password c /home/vk3heg/ftn/scinet
node 39:901/***@amiganet password c /home/vk3heg/ftn/amiganet

