On 06 Apr 12 15:13:45, Michiel Van Der Vlist said the following to Nick Andre:
MV> MV>> Ehmm... What exactly IS the problem?
MV> NA> There is no more problem, I found another way to fix the bandwidth
MV> NA> usage.
MV> Let me rephrase: Why do you want to limit the bandwidth?
My system is a very busy hub. One of the busiest in Fidonet in terms of
how much mail procesing and transfers occur daily. Dozens of systems connect
here to receive Fidonet but more specifically - Usenet groups in PKT format.
It is normal for systems to download approx 300 to 700 megabytes per day EACH.
And since I believe in a "Have it your way" philosophy, I won't force a system
to un-Areafix themselves just because my system can't handle it. If a system
wants their fill of ALT.SEX.FETISH.ROBOTS then so be it.
So, it is necessary to limit the bandwidth usage so the Internet connection
is not usurped by the hubbing operation. When running "full tilt" with many
simultaneous connections at once; there is not enough bandwidth for other
operations such as SMTP, FTP, VPN, etc. I cannot afford to install a second
Internet just for the hub. Internet access in Canada is somewhat expensive.
Perhaps "Transfer rate" would of been the proper term I should of used.
I used the phrase "half-assed" at Mark because I believe that BinkD should
(and apparently does in Linux flavors) have a way to set such a limit. It
would be more efficient than installing a full blown traffic-shaping solution,
which is what I ended up doing. I'm not happy with it, but it works.
I sent you an Internet email about a few FTSC-related questions I had, did you
receive that?