Feature request
(too old to reply)
Michiel van der Vlist
2023-11-05 16:54:26 UTC
Hello Binkd Team,

I would like to see the following.

On an incoming call binkd reports:

- 10 May 14:46:36 [756] incoming from 2001:16d8:ff00:306::2 (3499)

What I would like to see is this:

- 10 May 14:46:36 [756] incoming from 2001:16d8:ff00:306::2 (3499) to

Where 2001:7b8:2ff:3a9::2 is one of my own IP addresses, the address that
caller used to contact my binkd server.


My binkd server is "multi homed". It can be reached via two different ways. Via
my SixXs tunnel and via my he.net tunnel. In order to judge how effective this
"multi homing" is, I would like to see via which channel an incoming call comes



I wrote this in 2016. SixXs is gone and I no longer use a he.net tunnel. I had
native IPv6 from the cable company. Since about two month however I also have
FTTH. I kept my cable connection for the time being. In the foreseeable future
I will make a choice but for now I am mulltihomed...

Cheers, Michiel
2023-11-06 17:16:11 UTC
Michiel wrote (2023-11-05):

MvdV> Hello Binkd Team,

MvdV> I would like to see the following.

MvdV> On an incoming call binkd reports:

MvdV> - 10 May 14:46:36 [756] incoming from 2001:16d8:ff00:306::2 (3499)

MvdV> What I would like to see is this:

MvdV> - 10 May 14:46:36 [756] incoming from 2001:16d8:ff00:306::2 (3499) to
MvdV> 2001:7b8:2ff:3a9::2

MvdV> Where 2001:7b8:2ff:3a9::2 is one of my own IP addresses, the address
MvdV> that
MvdV> caller used to contact my binkd server.

MvdV> Reason:

MvdV> My binkd server is "multi homed". It can be reached via two different
MvdV> ways. Via my SixXs tunnel and via my he.net tunnel. In order to judge
MvdV> how
MvdV> effective this "multi homing" is, I would like to see via which channel
MvdV> an incoming call comes in.

A Perl hook might work. Something like:

sub on_handshake
Log(3,"incoming to $our_ip $our_port");

or modify the "incoming" log message in the on_log() hook
Tommi Koivula
2023-11-07 06:06:28 UTC
Hi Oli.

06 Nov 23 20:16, you wrote to Michiel van der Vlist:

Ol> A Perl hook might work. Something like:

Ol> sub on_handshake
Ol> {
Ol> Log(3,"incoming to $our_ip $our_port");
Ol> }

It shows outgoing too. Had to remove "incoming" :)

07 Nov 09:05:20 [1361253] trying f1.n221.z2.binkp.net.
07 Nov 09:05:20 [1361253] connected
+ 07 Nov 09:05:20 [1361253] outgoing session with f1.n221.z2.binkp.net:24554
? 07 Nov 09:05:20 [1361253] - our ip 2a01:4f9:c011:1ec5:f1d0:2:221:10 58727
- 07 Nov 09:05:20 [1361253] OPT CRAM-MD5-95662b6e846d586131cf4c653088ecee
+ 07 Nov 09:05:20 [1361253] Remote requests MD mode
- 07 Nov 09:05:20 [1361253] SYS RBB/2
- 07 Nov 09:05:20 [1361253] ZYZ Tommi Koivula
- 07 Nov 09:05:20 [1361253] LOC Lake Ylo, Finland
- 07 Nov 09:05:20 [1361253] NDL IBN,CM
- 07 Nov 09:05:20 [1361253] TIME Tue, 7 Nov 2023 09:05:19 +0200
- 07 Nov 09:05:20 [1361253] VER binkd/1.1a-115/OS2 binkp/1.1

Michiel van der Vlist
2023-11-07 14:15:47 UTC
Hello Tommi,

On Tuesday November 07 2023 09:06, you wrote to Oli:

TK> It shows outgoing too. Had to remove "incoming" :)

That may be useful too. For someone who has no control over what IP is used on
outgoing. Which brings uop something else. The limitations of the bindaddr

See following messages.

Cheers, Michiel

Michiel van der Vlist
2023-11-07 14:11:14 UTC
Hello Oli,

On Monday November 06 2023 20:16, you wrote to me:

MvdV>> - 10 May 14:46:36 [756] incoming from 2001:16d8:ff00:306::2
MvdV>> (3499) to 2001:7b8:2ff:3a9::2

MvdV>> Where 2001:7b8:2ff:3a9::2 is one of my own IP addresses, the
MvdV>> address that caller used to contact my binkd server.
Ol> A Perl hook might work. Something like:

Ol> sub on_handshake
Ol> {
Ol> Log(3,"incoming to $our_ip $our_port");
Ol> }

Hmmm... I have neve used Perl, so I would have to delve ionto that to follow
your suggestion. I am not all that eager to do that, I'd prefer a solution that
makes it an integral part of binkd. I remember someone posting the code to do
this some five years ago when I first brought it up, but I can't find it any
more... :(

Ol> * Origin: No REPLY kludge - no reply (2:280/464.47)

HВ you stole that from me. ;-)

Cheers, Michiel