(too old to reply)
Jon Justvig
2009-07-23 04:32:42 UTC
Hi all,

I run Synchronet for Linux v3.15 for my BBS and BinkD as my mailer. I
need the proper command syntax to execute BinkD. I currently use:

binkd -P 0:0/000 binkd.cfg

That's good and all but it only polls once and I have to force exit and
re-run that syntax for it to receive more FTN packets. My goal is to send &
receive. Could someone please assist me. Is it something in the
configuration file I need to modify or do I need a different syntax? Any
help would be greatly appreciated and it would save me a lot of hassle.
Thanks in advance!

-- Jon
Ross Cassell
2009-07-23 06:37:52 UTC
Hello Jon!

23 Jul 09 09:32, you wrote to All:

JJ> I run Synchronet for Linux v3.15 for my BBS and BinkD as my
JJ> mailer. I need the proper command syntax to execute BinkD. I
JJ> currently use:

JJ> binkd -P 0:0/000 binkd.cfg

JJ> That's good and all but it only polls once and I have to force
JJ> exit and re-run that syntax for it to receive more FTN packets. My
JJ> goal is to send & receive. Could someone please assist me. Is it
JJ> something in the configuration file I need to modify or do I need a
JJ> different syntax? Any help would be greatly appreciated and it would
JJ> save me a lot of hassle. Thanks in advance!

Why not run it from a init.d script, it will always run in the background in
both client and server modes. If you want to see what it is doing, simply run
tail -f <path to binkd.log>.

Here is a my binkd init.d script:

=== Cut ===
#!/bin/sh -e


test -f $DAEMON || exit 0

# don't start binkd if it is started by inetd
#grep -q '^binkp[[:space:]]' /etc/inetd.conf && exit 0

case "$1" in
echo -n "Starting FTN mailer: binkd"
start-stop-daemon --start --background --pidfile $PIDFILE --chuid ross:ross
--exec $DAEMON -- $OPTS
echo "."
echo -n "Stopping FTN mailer: binkd"
start-stop-daemon --oknodo --stop --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON
echo "."
echo -n "Reloading FTN mailer: binkd"
start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON
echo "."
sh $0 stop
sleep 1
sh $0 start
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/binkd {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}"
exit 1

exit 0
=== Cut ===

Here is a sample binkd cfg, I will edit it down as much as possible:

=== Cut ===
domain fidonet /fidonet/out 1
domain fido alias-for fidonet
domain fidonet.org alias-for fidonet
domain fidonet.net alias-for fidonet
address 1:123/***@fidonet
sysname "The Eastern Star"
location "Spartanburg, SC USA"
sysop "Ross Cassell"
nodeinfo 115200,TCP,BINKP
call-delay 30
maxservers 5
maxclients 5
try 10
hold 600
log /fidonet/logs/binkd.log
loglevel 4
pid-file /fidonet/config/binkd.pid
inbound /fidonet/in
inbound-nonsecure /fidonet/insec
minfree 2048
minfree-nonsecure 2048
kill-old-partial-files 86400
kill-old-bsy 43200
exec "touch /fidonet/flags/newmail.flg" *.su? *.mo? *.tu? *.we? *.th? *.fr?
*.sa? *.pkt *.tic
#Link Mail Hub
node 1:123/***@fidonet password c /fidonet/outbox
=== Cut ===

Fidonet Feeds Or Fidonet In Your Newsreader: http://www.easternstar.info
E-mail: ross(at)cassell(dot)us | Other Places: http://links.cassell.us
Fidonet Netmail Routing Chart Z1 Only: http://netmail.fidonet4u.info
(O)ne (B)ig (A)ss (M)istake (A)merica
... Hope And Change, How Is That Working Out For You?
Jon Justvig
2009-07-23 12:50:09 UTC
Re: BinkD
By: Ross Cassell to Jon Justvig on Thu Jul 23 2009 11:37 am
Post by Ross Cassell
Why not run it from a init.d script, it will always run in the background in
both client and server modes. If you want to see what it is doing, simply ru
tail -f <path to binkd.log>.
I will look into that. It would be nice to run binkd in the background and to
check on it every now and then. It's just that I don't understand a lot of
the fundamentals about scripting with Linux. I have a lot of learning ahead
of me but I'm in it to win. :-] However, I have saved your samples and
will hold on to them until I am ready for them. Thank you though for your
time and your effort by providing ideas and examples to go by. I am sure
they will be useful in the near future.

-- Jon
Rob Swindell
2009-07-23 07:08:16 UTC
Re: BinkD
By: Jon Justvig to All on Thu Jul 23 2009 09:32 am
Post by Jon Justvig
Hi all,
I run Synchronet for Linux v3.15 for my BBS and BinkD as my mailer. I
binkd -P 0:0/000 binkd.cfg
That's good and all but it only polls once and I have to force exit
and re-run that syntax for it to receive more FTN packets. My goal is to
send & receive. Could someone please assist me. Is it something in the
configuration file I need to modify or do I need a different syntax? Any
help would be greatly appreciated and it would save me a lot of hassle.
Thanks in advance!
I use: binkd -s binkd.cfg

digital man

Snapple "Real Fact" #143:
Q is the only letter in the alphabet not appearing in the name of any U.S.
Jon Justvig
2009-07-23 12:51:47 UTC
Re: BinkD
By: Rob Swindell to Jon Justvig on Thu Jul 23 2009 12:08 pm
Post by Rob Swindell
I use: binkd -s binkd.cfg
This is similar to what I've been doing and I think I can work on this at
this moment. It runs the manager, however, what do I need in the config file
to trigger an event like checking every hour for new messages from my uplink?

-- Jon
Rob Swindell
2009-07-23 13:44:18 UTC
Re: BinkD
By: Jon Justvig to Rob Swindell on Thu Jul 23 2009 05:51 pm
Post by Rob Swindell
Re: BinkD
By: Rob Swindell to Jon Justvig on Thu Jul 23 2009 12:08 pm
Post by Rob Swindell
I use: binkd -s binkd.cfg
This is similar to what I've been doing and I think I can work on this at
this moment. It runs the manager, however, what do I need in the config
file to trigger an event like checking every hour for new messages from my
I think you would need an hourly cron job to execute 'binkd -p binkd.cfg' in
that case.

digital man

Snapple "Real Fact" #15:
All porcupines float in water.
Jon Justvig
2009-08-05 16:15:07 UTC
Re: BinkD
By: Rob Swindell to Jon Justvig on Thu Jul 23 2009 06:44 pm
Post by Rob Swindell
I think you would need an hourly cron job to execute 'binkd -p binkd.cfg' in
that case.
crontab -l
# m h dom mon dow command
0 * * * * /sbbs/exec/binkd -p /sbbs/exec/binkd/binkd.cfg

Is that all I need for it to execute every hour? I know it's off subject,
but, it may help someone else with the same issue. Thanks, Rob.

-- Jon
Sean Rima
2009-08-06 09:39:46 UTC
Post by Rob Swindell
Re: BinkD
By: Rob Swindell to Jon Justvig on Thu Jul 23 2009 06:44 pm
Post by Rob Swindell
I think you would need an hourly cron job to execute 'binkd -p
binkd.cfg' in
Post by Rob Swindell
that case.
crontab -l
# m h dom mon dow command
0 * * * * /sbbs/exec/binkd -p /sbbs/exec/binkd/binkd.cfg
Is that all I need for it to execute every hour? I know it's off subject,
but, it may help someone else with the same issue. Thanks, Rob.
I run binkd as a server and console at startup using /etc/init.d/boot.local

in that file I have:

su -c "/usr/local/sbin/binkd -D -C /home/fidonet/config/binkd.cfg" fidonet

Basically runs a client and server daemon as user fidonet in it's home
directory. Works fine for me

Jon Justvig
2009-08-06 10:13:56 UTC
Re: BinkD
By: Sean Rima to Jon Justvig on Thu Aug 06 2009 02:39 pm
Post by Sean Rima
I run binkd as a server and console at startup using /etc/init.d/boot.local
su -c "/usr/local/sbin/binkd -D -C /home/fidonet/config/binkd.cfg" fidonet
Basically runs a client and server daemon as user fidonet in it's home
directory. Works fine for me
Wow, there are certainly different ways of handling binkd. It's good to see
people here that know what they're doing and can give advice. I did not
locate a boot.local file in my /etc/init.d however. I don't know if it's
because my distro is Ubuntu or I just don't have a package(s) installed. If
cron doesn't work like it's supposed to, I'll try this method. And, thank
you very much for your response.

-- Jon
Jame Clay
2009-08-08 04:27:10 UTC
Post by Rob Swindell
Re: BinkD
By: Sean Rima to Jon Justvig on Thu Aug 06 2009 02:39 pm
Post by Sean Rima
I run binkd as a server and console at startup using /etc/init.d/boot.local
su -c "/usr/local/sbin/binkd -D -C /home/fidonet/config/binkd.cfg" fidonet
Basically runs a client and server daemon as user fidonet in it's home
Unless it's a point, I usually run it that way, with it being started by
the standard /etc/init.d/binkd init script installed by the Debian/Ubuntu binkd
Post by Rob Swindell
Wow, there are certainly different ways of handling binkd.
That's one of the nice things about BinkD, its flexibility.
Post by Rob Swindell
I don't know if it's because my distro is Ubuntu or I just don't have a
package(s) installed.

On Debian/Ubuntu, it by default installs itself to run from inetd. That
takes care of inbound; for outbound, just set up polls as neccessary. If the
binkd line item is commented out in /etc/inetd.conf, the init script starts
BInkD in client/server mode.

andrew clarke
2009-08-08 14:39:46 UTC
On Thu 2009-08-06 14:39, Sean Rima (2:263/950) wrote to Jon Justvig:

SR> I run binkd as a server and console at startup using
SR> /etc/init.d/boot.local

SR> in that file I have:

SR> su -c "/usr/local/sbin/binkd -D -C
SR> /home/fidonet/config/binkd.cfg" fidonet

SR> Basically runs a client and server daemon as user fidonet in it's home
SR> directory. Works fine for me

There is an easier way. You can edit the "fidonet" user's crontab (crontab
-e), adding the following line:

@reboot /usr/local/sbin/binkd -D -C /home/fidonet/config/binkd.cfg

Best of all, this should work on any Linux/BSD system where cron is installed
and running.
Sean Rima
2009-08-08 12:09:40 UTC
Hello andrew.

08 Aug 09 19:39, you wrote to me:

SR>> I run binkd as a server and console at startup using
SR>> /etc/init.d/boot.local

SR>> in that file I have:

SR>> su -c "/usr/local/sbin/binkd -D -C
SR>> /home/fidonet/config/binkd.cfg" fidonet

SR>> Basically runs a client and server daemon as user fidonet in it's
SR>> home directory. Works fine for me

ac> There is an easier way. You can edit the "fidonet" user's crontab
ac> (crontab -e), adding the following line:

ac> @reboot /usr/local/sbin/binkd -D -C /home/fidonet/config/binkd.cfg

ac> Best of all, this should work on any Linux/BSD system where cron is
ac> installed and running.

Yeah, I know I can do it that way, dunno why I choice the method I did :) But I
will bear it in mind for another app I need to run

mark lewis
2009-08-06 17:55:43 UTC
JJ> crontab -l
JJ> # m h dom mon dow command
JJ> 0 * * * * /sbbs/exec/binkd -p /sbbs/exec/binkd/binkd.cfg

JJ> Is that all I need for it to execute every hour?

looks right to me at the moment...

minute 0 of every hour of every day of month in every month for all days of the

andrew clarke
2009-08-08 14:43:54 UTC
Post by Rob Swindell
I think you would need an hourly cron job to execute 'binkd -p
binkd.cfg' in that case.
JJ> crontab -l
JJ> # m h dom mon dow command
JJ> 0 * * * * /sbbs/exec/binkd -p /sbbs/exec/binkd/binkd.cfg

Better yet:

@hourly /sbbs/exec/binkd -p /sbbs/exec/binkd/binkd.cfg

See the crontab(5) manpage.

JJ> Is that all I need for it to execute every hour? I know it's off
JJ> subject, but, it may help someone else with the same issue.
JJ> Thanks, Rob.

I suspect most people here run binkd from cron, so I wouldn't think it would be
Jon Justvig
2009-08-08 08:49:19 UTC
Re: BinkD
By: andrew clarke to Jon Justvig on Sat Aug 08 2009 07:43 pm
Post by mark lewis
JJ> 0 * * * * /sbbs/exec/binkd -p /sbbs/exec/binkd/binkd.cfg
@hourly /sbbs/exec/binkd -p /sbbs/exec/binkd/binkd.cfg
Actually, the execution portion for BinkD is not working for me. It is not
wanting to crash poll my hub. So, I have to manually use -P my hub for packets
to come in which is why it may seem slow for me getting back with all my

Does anyone know how I can do crash poll runs and what I need in my conf file
for that to happen? Thanks in advance.

-- Jon
Janis Kracht
2009-08-08 14:55:46 UTC
Hi Jon,
Post by Jon Justvig
Does anyone know how I can do crash poll runs and what I need in my conf file
for that to happen? Thanks in advance.
All I did was use the crash flag in config's node section or the nodes who
wanted their mail crash.. for example:

node 1:10/***@fidonet somedomain.org password c

If I want BinkD to hold the traffic, I use the h flag instead.

Take care,
Michael Dukelsky
2009-08-10 12:54:22 UTC
Hello andrew,

08 Aug 09, andrew clarke wrote to Jon Justvig:

ac> I suspect most people here run binkd from cron, so I wouldn't think it
ac> would be OT.

Maybe most but not everybody. :) I run binkd as a daemon at my home point
system (Linux Gentoo is used here).

***@miked1 ~ $ cat /etc/init.d/binkd

depend() {
need net localmount
use dns logger clock wlan
after bootmisc hostname

start() {
ebegin "Starting binkd"
start-stop-daemon --start --user mike --chuid mike --exec
/usr/local/bin/binkd --pidfile /var/run/binkd.pid -- ${BINKD_OPTIONS}
eend $?

stop() {
ebegin "Stopping binkd"
start-stop-daemon --stop --user mike --exec /usr/local/bin/binkd
--pidfile /var/run/binkd.pid
eend $?

***@miked1 ~ $ cat /etc/conf.d/binkd
# /etc/conf.d/binkd: config file for /etc/init.d/binkd

# Options to pass to the binkd daemon.
# See the binkd(8) man page for more info.


And I configured my tosser HPT to put mail into the outbound with flavor
'crash'. So binkd sends the mail at the moment it appears in the outbound. The
tosser at the node is configured in a similar way so binkd there sends me mail
also at once.


... dukelsky (at) aha (dot) ru
mark lewis
2009-08-12 12:22:14 UTC
ac> I suspect most people here run binkd from cron, so I wouldn't think it
ac> would be OT.

MD> Maybe most but not everybody. :) I run binkd as a daemon at my home
MD> point system (Linux Gentoo is used here).

i, too, run binkd as a "daemon"... OS/2 Warp 3 Connect... if/when i need to
force a poll to a system, i simply create an empty clo file for that system's
FTN address in the proper outbound directory...

eg1: to force a poll to 1:123/500, i create the file 007B01F4.clo in my default
outbound directory...

eg2: since i'm in zone 1, if i want to create a poll for 3:420/69, i create the
file 01A40045.clo in my outbound.003 outbound directory...

IIRC, the first 4 characters of the ?lo filename are the hex of the net portion
of the destination address and the last 4 characters of the filename are the
hex of the node portion of the destination address...

123/500 = 007B/01F4 == 007B01F4
420/69 = 01A4/0045 == 01A40045

nuttin' to it if you know the tech and the methods necessary ;)

Fred Riccio
2009-08-13 16:23:47 UTC
Hello mark!

12 Aug 09 17:22, mark lewis wrote to Michael Dukelsky:

ml> eg1: to force a poll to 1:123/500, i create the file 007B01F4.clo in
ml> my default outbound directory...

ml> 123/500 = 007B/01F4 == 007B01F4
ml> 420/69 = 01A4/0045 == 01A40045

ml> nuttin' to it if you know the tech and the methods necessary ;)

I tried to tell him the same thing a couple of weeks ago.

If you can find a copy of please.exe it makes it even easier.

PLEASE POLL 1:123/500 NOW will create a flo file in the correct directory to
force a poll.

Peter Knapper
2009-08-15 05:01:14 UTC
Hi Mark,

ml> i, too, run binkd as a "daemon"... OS/2 Warp 3
ml> Connect... if/when i need to force a poll to a system,
ml> i simply create an empty clo file for that system's FTN
ml> address in the proper outbound directory...

My Warp3/Warp4/eCS machine has been runing BinkD this way using REXX scripts
since 1997.....;-) It works perfect for me...

mark lewis
2009-08-16 08:28:20 UTC
ml> i, too, run binkd as a "daemon"... OS/2 Warp 3
ml> Connect... if/when i need to force a poll to a system,
ml> i simply create an empty clo file for that system's FTN
ml> address in the proper outbound directory...

PK> My Warp3/Warp4/eCS machine has been runing BinkD this way using
PK> REXX scripts since 1997.....;-) It works perfect for me...

its is one of the simple things in life :)

Benny Pedersen
2009-10-10 16:58:50 UTC
Hello Michael!

10 Aug 09 17:54, Michael Dukelsky wrote to andrew clarke:

MD> Maybe most but not everybody. :) I run binkd as a daemon at my home
MD> point system (Linux Gentoo is used here).

MD> BINKD_CFG="/usr/local/etc/fido/binkd/binkd.cfg"

this dir will not be used from ebuilds, but will work still if not installed
from ebuilds

can i add this initrc to my ebuild ?

Regards Benny

+++ http://lists.junc.info/mailman/listinfo/
... there can only be one way of life, and it works :)
Michael Dukelsky
2009-10-11 06:04:42 UTC
Hello Benny,

10 Oct 09, Benny Pedersen wrote to Michael Dukelsky:

MD>> Maybe most but not everybody. :) I run binkd as a daemon at my
MD>> home point system (Linux Gentoo is used here).
BP> can i add this initrc to my ebuild ?

Feel free to do it.


... dukelsky (at) aha (dot) ru

Fred Riccio
2009-07-23 14:42:18 UTC
Hello Jon!

23 Jul 09 09:32, Jon Justvig wrote to All:

JJ> binkd -P 0:0/000 binkd.cfg

JJ> it only polls once and I have to force exit and
JJ> re-run that syntax for it to receive more FTN packets.

What you need to do is to create a zero byte file named xxxxyyyy.Clo in your
outbound directory. Replace xxxx with the node number (in hex) and yyyy with
the node number (in hex) of the node you want to poll. For instance, if you
want to poll me, the file would be named 008400AE.Clo (132 decimal = 0084 hex,
174 decimal = 00AE hex).

Put the file in \BinkD\Outbound or whatever you call your outbound directory.
If the node you are polling is in zone 2, put the file in \BinkD\Outbound.002

Caution! If there is already a .CLO file in the outbound Don't stomp on it or
your mail bundles will not go out.

This is how I do it in a DOS batch file...

----- Binkley.Bat begins -----

:: Create Poll File for 132/500
cd . >>E:\Outbound\008401F4.CLO
GoTo End

----- Binkley.Bat ends -----

I'm sure the Linux script would be similar. You can run your script as a cron
job to make BinkD poll at any schedule you want.
